Last fall, Janine Rogan and Sam Gerber approached me about commissioning a mug for the Wealthy Women's Summit, a one-day conference in Calgary, Alberta with the tagline "Eras tour but make it finance."
Their mission is to provide accessible financial information, break barriers and bias, and heal money trauma and neurodivergence impact. I knew immediately that I wanted to work with them.
When they proposed featuring the phrase "Mom, I AM a rich man," I excitedly jumped in my chair, instantly recognizing the unforgettable quote from Cher's 1996 interview on Dateline NBC:
It gets straight at how even though women's access to professional life and financial vehicles has changed dramatically in the last few decades, the mindsets of people in positions to advise us (parents, bosses, finance professionals) haven't all necessarily advanced in lockstep.
We each shared what her words mean to us personally when I joined the organizers for an Instagram Live to reveal the mugs last week:
It was so fun collaborating on design details such as text layout, logo placement, and colors, and I'm really delighted with how the details turned out.
We packaged the mugs in holographic boxes to match the conference's celebratory vibe, and carried the fun, feminine color scheme through the hang tags and labels.

It was so fulfilling to work with such deeply aligned changemakers, and to send this work to Canada to be distributed on International Women's Day. They'll be included in the VIP swag bag, with a small number also available for sale at the event.
If you are one of the lucky fifty to take this limited edition mug home, may it help you reflect and put your conference takeaways into practice with joy and ease!