
Hi, I'm Kate. I make art to heal from financial abuse and help others avoid it.

six freshly thrown mug bodies still on their bats


pay discrimination

I left my job at a top tech company in March 2020 after eight male colleagues with my title all shared that they made more for the same work, and our employer refused to fix it.

sponging mug over tie dye apron


regulatory capture

I reported my employer to the EEOC, who opened an investigation. At first it looked hopeful. Then the agency started breaking its own rules. And the employer hired one of my case investigators.

It became clear to me that companies know there's no real enforcement of pay discrimination laws. To the contrary, regulatory processes are another channel they can use to retaliate without consequence.

cups with rainbow raindrops


financial abuse

My bank accounts and retirement savings will never recover from the pay discrimination I experienced, and it's not an option to return to tech after what I've been through.

But every purchase of a mug buys me time at either my pottery wheel or my writing desk, to heal and find my way forward.

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